Saltwater anglers differ in preferences regarding fishing inshore compared to offshore. Comparatively, offshore versus inshore fishing is significantly different based on the types of fish caught and the technique and equipment utilized. I fish inshore and offshore consistently but prefer one over the other. So which is better when comparing offshore vs inshore fishing. 

Cost Comparison Offshore Vs Inshore Fishing

Cost is one of the most significant differences in the comparison of angling inshore instead of offshore. Here are comparisons of required gear and equipment for offshore and inshore fishing.

The Boat

Fishing vessels do not come cheap. However, the difference is significant when comparing the cost of an inshore fishing boat versus an offshore fishing boat. 

Offshore anglers are required to make long runs; therefore, larger boats with higher horsepower are necessary. Comparatively, inshore fishing boats typically do not face rough seas and reach fishing grounds in a shorter period. In coastal Georgia, for example, blue water is 60 miles offshore. You’re not running a flats boat to troll for mahi mahi. 

I have owned and run both inshore and offshore vessels. While yes, the cost to buy an offshore boat is higher, so is the electronics and maintenance. You likely won’t need an autopilot and high range radar on your inshore watercraft. Additionally, factor in servicing two plus engines yearly. 

Despite the higher cost, I prefer offshore fishing. Having the opportunity to catch pelagic gamefish and reef fish is far more exciting to me than working the banks with popping corks or soft plastics. 


Fuel expenses go hand in hand with the size of the boat. The bigger the boat and higher the horsepower, the more expensive it is to operate. 

Consider leaving the dock and running 60 miles before dropping a line in the water compared to the miles of shoreline holding fish right outside the marina. 

Again, when comparing offshore vs inshore fishing, fuel expenses are higher when running out onto the ocean. However, I prefer to spend the money on fuel in search of my favorite gamefish like mahi mahi, wahoo, grouper, and snapper. 

Fishing Equipment

Bigger fish and deeper water mean more stout gear and higher prices. Undoubtedly offshore fishing gear comes at a higher cost when compared to inshore fishing gear. However, never assume that any form of fishing isn’t expensive. Without question, the sport is costly.  

Interestingly I had a man who was a golfer tell me that fishing was a cheap dirty man’s sport. During this particular occasion, because I was at work bit my tongue. While fishing in a neighborhood pond may be inexpensive inshore and offshore, both come at a cost higher than golf in my opinion and I am an avid golfer too. 

As an avid offshore angler, I invested into top of the line gear such as Penn international reels, deep drop setups, bottom reading equipment, and more. Additionally, it’s the lower priced necessities that add up. For example, offshore trolling lures compared to popping corks and soft plastics. Marlin trolling lures range between 50 and 75 dollars for one, whereas a popping cork costs 7 dollars. 

Offshore fishing is significantly higher in cost. As mentioned before, I prefer to venture offshore compared to inshore fishing. 

Offshore Vs Inshore Fishing Time Commitment

Time is hard to come by between work, family obligations, and keeping up around the house. From my personal experience, finding time to go fishing is becoming more and more challenging for this reason. Lately, I have found myself fishing inshore more than offshore over the last year despite preferring offshore fishing. 

Offshore vs inshore fishing requires significantly more time. Factor in the run time when offshore fishing, preparation, and clean up. Without a doubt, fishing offshore from North Carolina, South Carolina, or Georgia will require nearly a full day unless, of course, you’re hiring a charter.

Comparatively, inshore fishing spots are most often close, therefore a significant amount of time is saved finding fish. 

Lastly, compare cleaning an inshore boat compared to an offshore boat. First, offshore fishing vessels are larger. Secondly, they become covered in salt from top to bottom. Finally, they become coated in blood when fish are gaffed. The combination of the three leads to hours of cleanup after the offshore fishing vessel returns to the dock. 

While I prefer offshore fishing, some days I just can’t make enough time, so I stay inshore just to wet a line. 

Offshore Vs Inshore Fishing Which Is Better For You

I think I made it pretty clear that I personally prefer to fish offshore compared to inshore. However, this doesn’t mean this is the right decision for you. The number of differences between inshore and offshore fishing is significant, and the vast majority involve spending money. However, it all depends on personal preference.Â