One of my favorite inshore fishing locations is along oyster beds. I have shifted from an offshore angler to an inshore coastal angler, but it was a learning curve. Without a doubt, one of the most productive places to fish inshore is on oyster shorelines. If you’re an inshore angler, learn the type 8 reasons why fish are attracted to oyster beds.

Source Of Food

One of the primary reasons that inshore fish congregate around beds of oysters is because food is abundant. 

First, the oysters are a source of food for game fish however, they also attract organisms and various types of fish. 

Lastly, oysters are excellent at filtering water. With that said, the inshore waters become abundant with algae and plankton. The algae and plankton draw in baitfish for the gamfish to feed, making beds ideal for anglers. 

Protection And Shelter

Without question, beds of oysters, when seen at low tide, appear as a maze of crevices. For this reason, baitfish have the opportunity to hide and remain invisible to gamefish. 

It should be noted that the ability of the baitfish to remain hidden is a benefit to anglers. Anglers fishing live bait, or artificials are at an advantage because the lure or bait is highly visible. The lure or bait doesn’t become hidden in between the jagged oysters below. Gamefish readily pounce on what anglers have to offer. 

Fertile Breeding Grounds

Similar to the ability of baitfish to hide, gamefish use oyster beds as breeding grounds. They prefer oyster beds because the larvae and eggs can be hidden between the oysters. 

Beyond the ability to span is the growth and development of freshly hatched fish. The beds become a nursery because it offers protection in addition to an excellent source of food. 

Oysters Improve Water Quality

Improved water quality equates to a stronger habitat for fish. As mentioned above, oysters are capable of filtering a significant amount of water. As a result, the water quality is high around beds compared to other inshore waters. 

Additionally, the process of filtration produces oxygen. High levels of oxygen promotes a healthy living environment for gamefish where they can thrive. 

Beds Of Oysters Attract Diverse Species

As an angler and former captain, I have seen a wide range of marine life over a significant number of years. 

One of the closest comparisons to a bed of oysters is a coral reef. Coral reefs draw in a wide range of species, which is similar in makeup because of how solid of a foundation it forms on the seafloor. If you’re looking for the right recipe of ingredients to attract gamefish, focus your attention on beds of oysters. 

Environment That Remains Stable

One of the most stable environments in inshore waters are beds of oysters. The beds are planted firmly in place and are only tampered with by humans if they are allowed to harvest the oysters. 

Without question, oysters provide a long-term habitat for not only fish of all sizes but also other marine life. Again, I fish over oysters regularly because it is a stable environment, and I can catch fish more times than not. 

The Ability For Gamefish To Foraging 

The primary reason that I fish over oysters is exactly this reason. Without a doubt, gamefish flock to beds of oysters because they are able to forage for a wide variety of food including crabs, baitfish, shrimp, and more. Prey is widely abundant. 

Lastly, the food chain starts from the smallest microorganisms all the way up the gamefish that anglers target with fish oyster beds. 

Oyster Form Barries

As a result of oysters growing and forming immovable masses, they are highly effective at creating barries that lower wave energy. Reduced wave energy creates warm water that is favorable for both baitfish and gamefish. 

Finally, beds of oysters trap a significant amound of sediment. In my area, the water is nutrient rich and brown in color. However, around oyster beds, the water tends to be more clear with is conducive for fish habitats. 

Fish Oyster Beds Whenever Possible

Beds of oysters provide a stable environment because of the opportunity for fish to feed, find shelter, and breed. Furthermore, the beds support a wide range of marine life that makes the marine ecosystem thrive. The next time you’re out fishing in coastal waters, cast a line near oyster beds.