One of the most notable rod and reel manufacturers in the United States is Penn. Penn produces rods and reels for nearly all types of anglers, including inshore coastal, offshore, and freshwater combos. Penn designs and builds spinning reels, conventional reels, baitcasters, levelwinds, fly fishing reels, and more. I use the Penn Battle 2 4000 spinning combo regularly. Here is what you need to know if you’re in the market for a new Penn spinning rod and reel combination. 

Penn Battle II 4000 Reel Specifications

Penn Battle reels, specifically the 4000, are middle of the road rod and reel combinations but perform well when put to the test. 

The Penn 4000 reel boasts 15 pounds of drag, 37” line recovery per crank, a monofilament capacity of 10 pounds at 220 yards, or a braid capacity of 20 pounds at 260 yards. My Penn Battle is loaded with a monofilament backing and 20 pound braid with a fluorocarbon leader. 

It should be noted that the 4000 is the largest in the series of Penn Battle rod and reel combinations. Without question, the reel is ideal for targeting mid to large sized freshwater fish, inshore coastal fishing, and shallow bottom dropping on offshore structures. I use these combos for all three of the above. 

Undoubtedly, I fish my four battle combinations for sheepshead on reefs, redfish and trout inshore, and bass in lakes and rivers.

Penn Battle II 4000 Rod Specifications

When choosing a Penn Battle 2 combo i’ll admit the rod selection is minimal. Comparatively, the only difference in the rod options are selecting a two piece or a one piece seven foot rod. 

The Penn Battle 7 foot red is medium powered, fast action, with a ¼ to one ounce lure weight. I selected the one piece rod as I do not prefer two piece rod and reel combinations. However, consider your storage options as the two piece Penn Battle rod may better fit your needs. 

Without question, I find the rod to have ample power when fighting large fish. During the summer, we often hook bonnethead sharks in the 13-20 pound range. The rod can quickly tire the fish so that it can be netted and released. 

Durability Of The Penn Battle 2 4000

As a former captain aboard private yachts running a Cabo fishing boat, I have extensively used Penn Battle rod and reel combos. Furthermore, the combos were exposed to the elements daily for three months of the year.

One thing that stands out when you pick up a Penn Battle 2 combo is the weight when held. Without question, the rod and reel combination is heavy. However, the weight coincides with the quality of the materials to manufacture the combos. The weight of the Penn Battle combos is positive and negative. 

Running fishing trips for guests while bottom fishing for snapper is the ultimate test for the durability of a rod and reel. Inexperienced anglers do mind blowing things like reel backward, toss the rod and reel, and reel against the drag. All things considered, the combos functioned as needed. Furthermore, the rod guides remained intact without bending despite daily and rough use, to say the least. 

Negatives Of The Penn Battle 2 4000 Rod and Reel 

Without a doubt, the positives of the Penn Battle combos outweigh the negatives. However, they should be mentioned when buying a new rod and reel combination.

The most glaring issue with Penn Battles reels is corrosion and particularly on the Penn Battle 2 2500. Despite extensive care, including repeated rinsing with freshwater, waxing, and oiling, the paint on the reel’s body bubbled and peeled. I was disappointed that within three months of buying new combos, the appearance of the reels aged rapidly. Conversely, no impact was noted on the performance of the reels. 

With the corrosion issue noted, I have never reencountered the same problem. Furthermore, Penn replaced the corroded reels under warranty. My personally owned Penn Battle II 4000 reels look brand new despite being over three years old. 

As noted above, Penn Battle combos are heavy. Yes, they are made of quality parts but they can become cumbersome when fishing. My daughter and father-in-law have noted the weight compared to other rods and reels. The Penn Battle combos are heavier than most combos of similar line capacity and rod size combos. 

Care For Your Penn Battle 2 Rod And Reel Combinations

No doubt about it, rods and reels are expensive. Rather than replacing fishing combinations take care of what you already own. 

Again, returning to my experience as an angler on private yachts, I know how to properly care for fishing gear. 

After each use in a saltwater environment, ensure to rinse, wash, and dry the rods and reels. The corrosiveness of salt will rapidly deteriorate the appearance and performance of the reels.  

Importantly, with repeated use, wax should be applied to the rods and reels consistently. After the rods and reels are cleaned and dried, apply a wax. The wax prevents water marks on the rods and reduces the chance of reel corrosion. 

Lastly, service the reel at regular intervals. I do not service the reels myself but use an authorized dealer to grease, change drags, and inspect. Unquestionably you don’t want a reel to seize when you’re fighting the big one. 

Pick Up A Penn Battle 2 4000 Rod And Reel

Despite a few drawbacks, the Penn Battle II 4000 positives outweigh the negatives. I am an avid angler who has fished with Penn Battles for nine years, so I know the performance and durability well. When you’re in the market for a new spinning rod and reel combination, I recommend Penn Battles.