It is likely that you have seen scrap yards at some point in your life, no matter if they are intended for vehicles or boats. However, in areas with navigable waterways, junkyards specific to boats are common. Often, the junkyards sit along the sides of busy two-lane highways. I’ll admit I never gave them much consideration, but junkyards are beneficial to boaters. Here is what you need to know about a boat junkyard. 

What Is A Boat Junkyard

I wouldn’t go as far as to say that a junkyard is equivalent to a graveyard. What is a useless vessel to some can be highly valuable to another.

Scrap yards receive derelict boats from owners who have failed to maintain them, or the boat has sunk or aged significantly. 

It should be noted that owners prefer to scrap boats compared to dismantling and letting potentially valuable boat parts end up in landfills. 

Without question, junkyards are mostly lined with junk boats. It doesn’t take more than a quick glance to realize you won’t be heading to the boat ramp and launching any of the vessels on the premises for a pleasure cruise.

At the junkyard, you’ll find boats lying upside down, half gutted, or even without engines. However, don’t assume that as a boat owner, you can’t find a much-needed part in a pinch. Junkayrds can be highly beneficial to vessel owners. 

Do Boat Junkyards Buy Boats

One of the biggest questions is what to do with your boat when it is no longer capable of being repaired. 

Undoubtedly, disposing of a vessel isn’t easy. One method is to contact your local landfill and deliver it via trailer. In some cases, the landfill will pick it up, but it comes at a cost. I don’t recommend using a landfill because any useful parts will go to waste.

One of the best alternatives is to visit a local boat scrapyard. The scrapyard may be your best bet for earning some money versus nothing. Of course, this is highly dependent on what parts can be scrapped and sold. In some cases, the boat will have no value, so you will have no choice but to pay to dispose of it. 

Understand that you will receive a minimal amount of money from a boat scrapyard. With that said, if your boat has value, sell it compared to scrapping it. 

Why Are Boat Junkyards Valuable To Boat Owners

As a boat owner, I never visited a boat scrapyard but would compare it to a car junkyard. In the past, I found car junkyards to be a great resource for much-needed parts for my vehicles. 

Comparatively, boat owners can source parts that are no longer manufactured or difficult to find. Most often, the owner or manager will have a list of available parts on file. If you’re searching for a hard-to-find part, call and ask if it is available at the junkyard. 

However, understand that junkyards can be valuable for more than just parts. Recently, after driving by a scrapyard, I found disabled hardtops, windshields, consoles, and more. 

How To Locate Boat Salvage Yards Near Me

Locating a boat salvage yard is a simple task. However, understand that you’re unlikely to find a marine based salvage yard if you’re not located near a large body of water. 

In order to find a boat salvage yard, your best bet is to use the internet. On the internet, search boat salvage yards near me. 

In some locations, you will find multiple boat scrapyards, while in others, you will find one or none. Should multiple scrap yards be within your vicinity, I suggest calling before taking the drive. Call and discuss what exactly you are looking for. Most often, they will be able to tell you if they have it on hand or not. However, in some cases, you may have to wander the yard in hopes of finding what you’re in search of. 

Inquire About The Price Of The Part Needed

Make sure to ask the price of the part you need. In some cases, you’re better off buying new if the part is available from the manufacturer. You’re never going to be able to know how much wear and tear it took before it ended up in the boat junkyard

The last thing you want to have to happen is to install a bad part that has been left to sit exposed to the elements. 

Consider The Value Of Utilizing A Boat Junkyard

No matter if you have an old boat laid up in your backyard or you’re searching for a part, consider a boat junkyard. Remember, they are not the prettiest looking places, but they can be helpful. Make sure to call or visit a boat scrapyard in your area if you need a replacement part, are looking to save money, or need to scrap your vessel.