If you’re unsure that fishing is your type of activity, take advantage of a free fishing day. Free days for fishing means that you are not required to purchase a freshwater or saltwater license. Instead, you can cast a line without paying a fee to the state. Free days vary based on the state, so it is important to check locally when you can fish without a license. On your free day of fishing, remember to bring along these 6 essential items. 

Protect Your Skin With Sunscreen

The sun’s powerful UV rays are likely to cause a sunburn, especially if you’re not outdoors often. 

Some of the best sunscreens are spray sunscreens that also have water resistant characteristics. The combination of sweat and potential seaspray can quickly remove sunscreen that has already been applied.

 I recommend applying sunscreen before you head out the door to go fishing. Additionally, continue to add a fresh layer periodically throughout the day. The reflection of the sun off the surface of the water increases the exposure and intensity. 

Pack Food And Drinks

On a fun day of fishing, the last thing you want to do is suffer from being hungry or thirsty. For this reason, it is imperative to pack snacks and hydrating drinks. 

Remember, the combination of the wind and the sun can cause rapid dehydration. One of the best ways to prevent dehydration is to continue to drink sports drinks or water. 

In addition to keeping hydrated, you’ll want to maintain your energy levels. In order to do so, remember to bring healthy snacks that are tasty and nutrient rich. You are likely to burn higher levels of calories per hour fishing compared to remaining seated. 

Some of the best food items include subs, power bars, and fruits. Importantly, avoid food that is messy. Lastly, the food should be able to be picked up and set down without falling apart in the event you get on a fish while eating. 

Bring An Old Rag

As an avid angler, I always bring along an old rag when I am fishing. Undoubtedly, your hands will get dirty while fishing, no matter if you’re holding a fish or baiting a hook. 

Rather than use the grass to clean your hands, the towel is more effective. In fact, it’s not a bad idea to bring a few. 

In addition to keeping your hands clean, a rag is ideal for holding a fish while removing the hook. It is unlikely that the caught fish will slip free from your grip if you utilize a towel. 

Remember A Pair Of Pliers

One of the most important pieces of equipment to bring when fishing is a pair of pliers. Pliers make life simpler when it comes to pulling hooks free from caught fish.

Remember, you don’t have to go out and buy a fancy pair of fishing pliers if you only fish on free fishing weekends. Instead, household pliers will do the trick. Often, I use needle nose pliers that are stored in my toolbox. 

Without a doubt, pliers are highly beneficial. First, they remove lodged hooks with ease. Secondly, pliers keep your hands clear of the mouth, which is especially important if it’s a toothy species. 

Borrow Fishing Rods And Reels

Again, if you’re heading out fishing only once or twice per year, it makes no sense to buy fishing rods and reels. The rods and reels will get beat up in the garage, or wherever else they are stored. 

Instead of buying equipment, ask friends or family to borrow what they are not using. It is unlikely that they are taking advantage of a free fishing day if they are serious about the sport. Remember, lakes. Creeks, rivers, ponds, and coastal waters are busy on free fishing days. For this reason, avid anglers avoid casting a line during a free fishing weekend. 

However, you can use this to your advantage. The rods and reels will be unused so make the call and ask if you can borrow them for the day. 

Grab A Fishing Regulations Guide

It is critical to remember that despite not needing a fishing license, you are required to comply with harvest limits. It is not a free for all to go out and keep everything you catch. 

A fishing regulations guide will tell you specific information based on the species. The details include minimum size requirements, maximum size requirements, harvest limits, and open and closed seasons. 

An alternative to a publication is utilizing your phone and searching eRegulations. eRegulations define the fishing harvest limits based on location. Don’t make the mistake of keeping illegal fish. 

Remember These 6 Items On Your Free Fishing Day

In order to fully seize the opportunity to enjoy a free fishing day, remember these 6 things to bring. You’ll want to avoid spending money unnecessarily while remaining comfortable at the shoreline or on the boat. If you determine you enjoy fishing, consider purchasing gear and remember to pay for an annual fishing license.Â