Fishing opportunities come up in the spur of the moment. Therefore, a fishing tackle grab bag comes in handy. Anglers store the essentials in tackle bags instead of bringing all gear stored on the garage shelves. Even the smallest of tackle bags do the trick. Take it from me. I use one small bag for inshore saltwater fishing and freshwater pond fishing. Here is what you need to know about a fishing grab bag. 

Why Is It Called A Fishing Tackle Grab Bag

What first comes to mind with the word grab bag is something that is easily accessible and ready to go. Comparably, as a boater, consider a ditch bag. A ditch bag is a grab bag equipped with life saving equipment in the event of a boat sinking while underway. 

Without question, a fishing grab bag is already equipped with the essentials to catch fish at the spur of the moment. Ironically I learned the hard way. I live in a community loaded with saltwater lagoons and freshwater ponds. Consistently I see fish feeding, but that window closes quickly. Rather than having a grab bag I was pulling gear from multiple locations compared to one causing me to miss out on the bite. For this reason, I created a fishing grab bag. 

So, to be precise, a grab bag is called a grab bag because it is preloaded with all of the gear required to catch. Furthermore, it is readily available when needed. This means it can be in the garage, house, vehicle, boat,golf cart, or other convenient location. 

What Goes Into A Grab Bag

It should be noted what goes into a grab bag is highly dependent on the bodies of water you are fishing and the type of fish you are targeting. 

With that being said, here are the essentials that go in every fishing grab bag. Don’t leave these on the shelf next to the tackle bag. 

Fishing Pliers

Fishing pliers are a critical tool whether you are fishing freshwater or saltwater. I personally use a Leatherman multi-tool. The multi tool offers more than just a knife and pliers in the event an unexpected repair is necessary. 

Importantly, the multi-tool is essential for pulling lodged hooks and cutting lines. You don’t want to cast a line without fishing pliers in your grab bag. 

Measuring Device

It is essential to measure your catch for bragging rights or determine if it is a keeper. Measuring devices come in many forms, but I recommend a compact version, as grab bags are small. No need to waste space on an oversized ruler. For this reason, I carry a contractor’s measuring tape.  

Tackle Storage Boxes

The most convenient way to remain organized while fishing is to utilize tackle storage boxes. Tackles storage boxes contain internal dividers, and multiple boxes are capable of being stored within one bag. 

In my fishing bag, I prefer to use three storage boxes. Unquestionably three boxes are more than enough no matter if I’m fishing from shore or the boat. One of the boxes is saltwater gear, the second is freshwater rigs, and the third is universal such as hooks, weights, floats, and more. 

Fishing License

Undoubtedly fishing licenses are left back home all too often. Importantly, if you utilize one bag for every trip, save yourself the hassle and store the license within the bag. However, I recommend placing the license in a zip lock bag to avoid leaving it back home. 

Monitor The Inventory Of You Fishing Tackle Grab Bag

Have you ever headed out fishing only to find that you ran out of a much needed piece of tackle on your last adventure. 

I have made this mistake but learned from my mistakes. No doubt about it, anglers lose tackle from snags and accidentally dropping in the water when rigging. 

For this reason, I highly recommend taking stock of your essentials after each trip. Remember, when ordering tackle online, this can take days or weeks to receive. Therefore, when you’re down to a limited quantity, order before you actually run out. 

Importantly, when purchasing tackle from a shop or ordering online, ensure that the tackle is placed in the bag and doesn’t end up where it doesn’t belong. As soon as the order is unpacked, add the contents to the proper storage bin in the tackle bag. 

A Fishing Tackle Bag Saves Time When The Fish Are Biting

Without question, the primary reason anglers purchase a fishing tackle grab bag is to be ready when the bite is hot. Don’t fumble around finding what you need; instead keep in one confined storage bag. I can attest to the fact that they are highly convenient and have helped me catch more fish. Lastly, remember to monitor inventory within the bag or you’ll end up finding it useless when it counts.