Boaters storing their boats at the marina know that birds consistently make a mess of the vessel. Without question, covers, railings, decks, windshields, swim platforms, and more become littered with bird poop when not used. Birds put boat owners to the test because of the constant rinsing and scrubbing as a result of the mess. Therefore, solutions are found to attempt to reduce the accumulation of bird poop. One of the most common methods is using a fake owl for boats. So how effective are fake owls for boats at keeping birds away. 

Why Are Birds Such A Nuisance At Marinas

Undoubtedly, birds, especially waterbirds, flock to coastal marinas for many reasons. Here is a breakdown of why they are abundant at marinas in coastal waters. 


Marinas offer many options for birds to find a place to create a nest. Consider all the flat topped surfaces on a boat or at a marina. 

Some flat surfaces include the tops of pilings, which may lay adjacent to your slip. Secondly, radar dome platforms and other areas such as hard tops or T-Tops on boats. 

Birds must require a suitable place to nest, and for this reason they opt for areas with a flat surface. 

Finding A Place To Rest

Waterbirds who either primarily fly or dive beneath the surface use watercraft and marina structures as a place to rest. 

Take for examle an Anhinga. The anhinga spends a significant amount of time swimming beneath the surface feel. However, when it comes time to dry its wings, a swim platform is the perfect resting place. 

Secondly, pelicans are most frequently seeing hovering above a marine or diving for food. Conversely, when in need of rest, they perch themselves on railings, docks, and other surfaces of boats. 


Birds find marinas as an excellent source of food for a multitude of reasons. Food is abundant at coastal marinas. 

Without a doubt, marinas attract fish both big and large. First, small fish, otherwise known as baitfish, seek shelter among the many structures of a marina. I often throw a cast net for bait in a marina when fishing because of the abundance. Birds flock to marinas because they know it is a reliable source of food year round. 

Unfortunately, people are a contributing factor to increased bird populations at marinas. Visitors, unaware of the challenges boaters face, provide food for birds, not understanding the consequences. I have seen people tossing crackers and bread, which makes me shake my head in disbelief. 

Lastly, anglers returning to the dock after a day of fishing utilize fillet tables to clean their fresh catch. Most docks are equipped with fillet stations attracting birds as a food source. I use fillet tables at marinas consistently and can tell you that it attracts many birds. I have had a pelican take my hand into its mouth when holding a fish. To avoid continuing to attract birds, toss the scraps into the water and never to the waterbirds. 

How To Deter Birds From Landing On Boats

Trust me, birds land on more than just boats at marinas. The docks themselves are lined with birds and, of course, poop. 

Boat owners use many devices to deter birds from landing on boats. These include spinning bird repellers, flags that flap constantly in the wind, and fake owls for boats. Without question, all of these are used in combination in some cases. 

Owls are the most widely used deterrent aboard boats because birds and other critters like rats fear owls. An owl is a predator by nature; therefore, it feeds on birds and animals. 

Owls are affixed to high points of boats so they remain evident. The fake owl for boats is a low cost option to help reduce the destruction of birds landing aboard the watercraft.

However, it should be noted that birds catch on. After time, they realize that the owl is fake and therefore poses no threat whatsoever. I highly recommend moving the plastic owl to different locations after returning to the dock. 

While the owl is a deterrent, it is not a 100% solution to prevent birds from perching on your boat at a marina. 

Tips And Tricks For Keeping Your Boat Clean From Birds

Look no matter what birds will still find there way to your boat. First, understand that marinas are subject to high winds. Countless people place a fake owl on a flat surface, only to find that it blew into the water and floated away. Always secures the fake owl to a fixed structure with string or zip ties. 

Secondly, place a cover on your boat after each use. Bird poop gets everywhere, including hard to clean places. While yes, the cover will become loaded, it is much easier to remove the cover, lay it flat, and clean it than detail between every nook and cranny. 

Fake Owl For Boats Help But Don’t Prevent

Trust me, boaters storing boats at marinas need all of the help they can get to deter birds. At the marina I use, dock staff scrubs the flat surfaces every morning. While owls are not guaranteed to prevent all birds, they do provide some relief. I prefer to spend most of my time on the water compared to constantly detailing.