When you’re heading out on a boat for a day of fishing, it is essential to bring along food. You will not have the opportunity to stop at a convenience store, food truck, or restaurant when you’re out on the water catching fish. Without question, remaining nourished is essential when fishing a personally owned boat or a charter. Importantly, most charters do not provide food so don’t get caught leaving the dock without something to eat. If you’re wondering what are good snacks on a fishing trip to eat we have you covered. Take it from me; I am a former 200 ton captain who has spent a lot of time on the water. 

Why Is It Important To Bring Food On A Fishing Trip

Without question spending a day on the water without food is not a good idea for a multitude of reasons. Here is a breakdown of why you need to bring snacks on a fishing trip to eat. 

Remaining Nourished

Failing to bring along snacks for a day of fishing will leave you feeling tired due to a lack of nutrition. I understand that not all snacks are nourishing, so you need to pick the right ones.

Undoudabtly failing to bring snacks will result in fatigue, especially when battling fish all day long. Secondly, you are more likely to become seasick when failing to eat anything at all. Nourishment is critical whether it is hot or cold while on the water. 

Passing The Time

Look, let’s be realistic no matter if you’re on a charter or a personally owned vessel; sometimes the bite is slow. 

For this reason, bring along snacks to munch on to better help pass the time between bites. Snacks are particularly helpful when trolling offshore, waiting for that rod to bend and the reel to scream. 

Comparatively, inshore, lake, river, and bottom fishing offshore is more challenging to consume food while waiting for a bite. In most cases, the angler is holding on to the rod and reel compared to them sitting in a rod holder while trolling. 

So What Are Good Snacks On A Fishing Trip To Eat

Pre planning when packing snacks allows you to select healthier and more nourishing options than rushing last minute. Trust me, don’t stop at the convenience store on the way to the dock at the last moment. When last minute shopping, you’re snacks will consist of potato chips and jerky. 

Select Low Sodium Foods

Yes, for the most part, snack foods are loaded with salt but do your best to minimize sodium. Without a doubt, salted snacks will cause dehydration more rapidly than low sodium snacks. 

One snack that I prefer to pack when fishing is peanut butter crackers. The peanut butter crackers are not only low in salt content but full of protein to provide long lasting energy. 

Without question, some anglers can’t avoid a bag of chips, and I get it you’re trying to make the most of your time away from work. However, if you’re picking up chips, do your best to select an unsalted variety compared to salt. 

Pick Foods That Provide Energy

Long term energy will help you better withstand burning calories when maneuvering on a rocking boat while reeling in fish. 

It should be noted if you’re not afraid of stepping foot in the kitchen, prepare a few hard boiled eggs, wrap them up, and place them in the cooler. Hard boiled eggs make an excellent snack and are highly nutritious. 

Secondly, another option is to forget the snacks and pack a sandwich. More often than not, I order a sub from my local grocery store. The sub contains protein and vegetables; therefore, I remain energized for the entirety of the trip. 

Third, protein bars are also a great pick. For the most part, bars are high in protein and low in sodium when selecting healthier varieties. Remember, don’t just bring along one. 

Lastly, similar to packaged peanut butter crackers, slap together a couple of peanut butter sandwiches with fresh bread. Remember to cut them into halves. For this reason, you can grab a section when you’re feeling depleted.

Don’t Forget To Hydrate

Unquestionably remaining hydrated is essential, especially when on the water. When combining wind and sun, the body quickly loses water. 

I personally prefer to pack bottles of water and zero calorie Gatorade. More times than not, I switch between the two while spending a day on the water fishing. 

When packing up the cooler, ad plenty of ice so the drinks remain cold during the fishing trip. However, it should be noted that charters provide ice. You can often transfer the drinks from your personal cooler to a cooler aboard the vessel. 

Pack The Proper Snacks When Heading Out On A Fishing Trip

Now you know what are good snacks on a fishing trip to eat. I always bring along a bite to snack on, and I highly recommend it for you too. The best snacks are those that provide long lasting energy. Take it from me, I have spent thousands of hours on the water operating vessels and fishing. I know the best snacks when heading out on a fishing trip.